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Syscoin 4.1 Sysethereum Agent

This guide is for people who are interested in running the Systhereum Agent. The agents builds the Syscoin SuperblockChain on the Ethereum chain by hashing 60 Syscoin blocks together and store it as 1 Superblock in the Ethereum smart contract

The chain activity can be seen here


  1. Syscoin node on Linux box VPS
  2. Rinkeby Testnet fund ( > 3 Eth needed) faucet: https://faucet.rinkeby.io
Create a new Eth address through Syscoind's Geth

$ sysgeth.nod account new -datadir .syscoin/testnet3/geth

Send some testnet (Rinkeby) Eth to the address ( > 3 Eth needed)

Install Dependency

$ sudo apt-get install default-jdk maven

Download sysethereum-agents

$ git clone http://www.github.com/syscoin/sysethereum-agents
$ cd sysethereum-agents

Edit the configuration file in data/sysethereum-agents.conf (see below)
$ nano data/sysethereum-agents.conf 

Compile agent

$ mvn compile 
$ mvn package

Run agent.  The first argument is the location to the sysethereum-agents.conf file

$ java -Dsysethereum.agents.conf.file=/home/ubuntu/sysethereum-agents/data/sysethereum-agents.conf -jar target/sysethereum-agents-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 

OR run it with screen so you can disconnect from ssh session
you may have to install screen first
$ sudo apt-get install screen

$ screen java -Dsysethereum.agents.conf.file=/home/ubuntu/sysethereum-agents/data/sysethereum-agents.conf -jar target/sysethereum-agents-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 
hit ctrl+A and D to detach screen so it'll run in the background

you can resume the screen with this command
$ screen -r

The configuration file needs the following information:

The two addresses can be the same, and the data.directory should just be "/home/ubuntu/.syscoin/testnet3" or the full path to the testnet3 folder

Note that in Syscoin 4, if rpcuser and rpcpasswords are not set in syscoin.conf, a cookie will be generated, and the rpcuser becomes "cookie" and rpcpassword can be found by running ps - ef | grep syscoin and look at what's passed into relayer. The format will be "__cookie:[rpcpassword]" after "--sysrpcusercolonpass"

These two config can be toggled to choose what role to play. Either submitter, challenger or both
syscoin.superblock.submitter.enabled = true
syscoin.superblock.challenger.enabled = true